Is Kayaking Safe For Non-Swimmers? 9 Tips And Tricks To Stay Safe While Kayaking

Kayaking can be safe for non-swimmers if they take the proper precautions and practice good water safety. However, there is something else that needs to be taken into account when it comes to kayaking for nonswimmers: the risk of drowning. A person who is not a strong swimmer should never kayak without a personal flotation device (PFD).

Key Takeaways

  • If you don’t know how to swim then you must wear PFD while kayaking
  • There are two types of PFDs available: inflatable and foam types
  • Inflatable PFDs are easier to deploy in an emergency situation
  • You must wear a life jacket while kayaking because it increases the amount of time in which a person has to react to emergencies
  • Wearing a helmet while kayaking can keep you safe from head injuries
Is Kayaking safe for Non-Swimmers

There are two types of PFDs, inflatable and foam types. They both provide similar levels of protection, but inflatable devices inflate with air making them easier to deploy in an emergency situation – especially when wearing heavy clothes or being caught in a riptide current. However, you should be aware of a few safety precautions before you get started like-

1. Get familiar with the kayak’s features and safety features

2. Learn how to kayak from a certified instructor

3. Practice paddling in a protected area without waves or currents

9 Things To Do To Stay Safe While Kayaking

Things To Do To Stay Safe While Kayaking

Kayaking can be very safe if you follow the proper precautions. Here are those:

Wear Sunscreen

There are two main reasons why you should wear sunscreen while kayaking. The first is because you will be exposed to UV rays while wearing a wet suit. The second is because you will be in the water for a long period of time.

When you wear a wet suit, you are essentially wearing a waterproof suit. This keeps the water out, but it also keeps the UV rays in. The sun’s UV rays can cause sunburn and skin damage, so it is important to use sunscreen with protection from at least SPF 30 all year round.

Wear A Life Jacket

There are many benefits to wearing a life jacket while kayaking. Prevention of drowning is the most important reason. It is also important to wear a life jacket because it increases the amount of time in which a person has to react to emergencies. One benefit of wearing a life jacket is it provides increased buoyancy and decreases the risk of injury.

Wearing a life jacket while kayaking can prevent drowning. Drowning is the leading cause of death when people are engaged in activities on the water.

Wear A Helmet

a. It prevents head injuries

b. It reduces the chance of skull fractures and concussion

c. It can prevent spinal injuries

d. It helps to protect the face and ears from injury

e. It prevents drowning since it restricts water from entering the nose and mouth

Wear A Dry Suit

Kayakers are always exposed to the elements. Even when they are on the water, they’re still vulnerable to the sun, waves, and cold. That’s why a dry suit is an important accessory for any kayaker.

A dry suit is a full suit that covers a person from head to toe. It protects against moisture, wind, and cold. This type of suit provides a good amount of warmth while also being durable.

Wear Wetsuit Booties

A wetsuit bootie is an item of neoprene clothing worn over the foot and lower leg which seals around the wearer’s lower leg to protect it from cold and wetness.

A wetsuit bootie is often worn as part of a wet suit and is typically made of neoprene. It could also be made of other materials, such as canvas. They are typically attached to the bottom of a wetsuit or dive skin.

Wear Neoprene Gloves

Wearing neoprene gloves while kayaking is a good idea for protection against cold water. The neoprene material is helpful to maintain your body’s warmth. They are also useful for preventing the blisters and calluses that can form on your hands from gripping the paddle.

Wear Neoprene Booties

Neoprene booties are a great way to keep your feet warm and dry while kayaking.

Neoprene booties are also great for those with sensitive feet and for those who like to hike or camp out onshore or in a tent.

Neoprene booties are not only used for kayaking, they are also used for hiking and camping because they are durable, lightweight, and easy to pack.

With neoprene booties, you can rest assured that any moisture will be trapped and unable to cause damage to your footwear.

Tie Your Hair Back

The main reason to keep your hair back when kayaking is to avoid getting caught on a branch as you are paddling. Unlike swimming, kayaking puts your head at a much lower level to the ground which increases your risk of getting tangled in branches. This is especially true if you are wearing long hair. Long hair is also more likely to get sucked into the propeller of a boat, which is dangerous.

Aside from the physical hazards, long hair can become very uncomfortable in high-temperature working environments such as construction sites.

Put On Sunglasses And Sunscreen

Sunlight can cause burns and skin cancer. Wearing a hat is also a good idea. Because UV rays from the sun can be very harmful to your skin. It also helps with the following:

a. To protect from the sun’s harmful rays

b. To protect your eyes from bright light



This is Rocky. I have been kayaking for the last 6 years and owns 5 kayaks (one Tandem, one Touring, and three fishing kayaks) and from different companies, especially from Intex. I love kayaking with my kids and dogs and I can’t but wait to go kayaking once I find the weather seems perfect.
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