There are some differences between fishing kayaks and recreational kayaks. Recreational kayaks are designed for leisure activities on a flatwater stream, on the other hand, fishing kayaks are tailored to meet anglers’ needs. Moreover, fishing kayaks are wider compared to recreational kayaks. Also, fishing kayaks have sit-on-top designs while recreational kayaks have sit-in-top designs.
Key Takeaways
- Fishing kayaks are designed to accommodate the caught fish, tackle box, fish coolers, drinks, etc.
- The recreational kayak has wider beams, therefore they offer more stability
- Recreational kayaks have limited cargo transport capacity compared to fishing kayaks
- Fishing kayaks are a bit expensive compared to recreational kayaks
What Are Fishing Kayaks?
Fishing kayaks are designed for anglers; thus, it has all the attachments needed for proper fishing. The extras attachment includes a mount for fishing devices, such as fish finders, and rod holders. The fishing kayaks are also spacious to accommodate the caught fish, tackle box, fish coolers, and drinks if needed. Seating design is also tailored for comfort, depending on the fishing you do.
The fishing kayaks are also made from durable and robust polyethylene fabric since the angling is rigorous. Though costly compared to recreational kayaks, the price is lower than those of motorboats. The crafts are also stable, allowing the fisherman and paddlers even to stand onboard. The good thing is that you can modify the kayak to fit your style of fishing.
What Are Recreational Kayaks?
A recreational kayak is a craft that is tailored for casual paddlers who wish to spend leisure time on the calm waters. They have a larger cockpit that makes it easier for the armature to enter and exit. The recreational kayak has wider beams that measure 27-30 inches that ensure stability.
Controlling the kayak is also quite simple since it is lightweight and shorter in length. Those who have no or little skills in kayaking can handle the recreational craft in and out of the water with ease. Generally, kayaks are made of roto-molded polythene, thus cheaper compared to other types.
You get a few options, such as less cargo capacity, since the craft is meant for recreational purposes. Though some anglers use the kayak for fishing, it lacks the necessary attachments that make fishing comfortable.
Difference Between The Fishing Kayak And Recreational Kayaks
# | Fishing Kayaks | Recreational kayaks |
1. | Have facilities that facilitate fishing i.e., rod holders, mount for angling devices, | Do not have any fishing facilities |
2. | Ample cargo space for keeping fishing tackle, bait, and the catch | Limited cargo transport capacity |
3. | Made of durable and robust polyethylene material which allow paddler and anglers to stand while fishing | Made of cheaper roto-molded polyethylene thus may not last long |
4. | Have a paddle resting groove for convenience when casting | Do not have the paddle resting groove that presents a challenge when trying to balance the paddle with your knees |
5. | A little bit expensive | Cheaper compared to fishing kayaks since they are designed for recreational purposes |
Final Word
Evidently, recreational and fishing kayaks serve distinct purposes. Examine your needs and choose one accordingly. If you want to spend leisure time in the lake, go for recreational kayaks, but, for angling purposes, it is advisable to invest in a fishing kayak.