If you want to experience outdoor life in the water, kayaking, Perception Tribe 9.5 Kayak is the way to go. This Kayak has features that will suit your needs in the best way possible. It is especially good for beginners or those whose kayaking skills are intermediate. This does not nullify the fact that experienced kayakers can use it. The perception tribe 9.5 is built for comfort, strength, durability, and stability, all in one small Kayak. It is excellent in slow-moving rivers, flat water lakes and ponds, and coastal waters with light waves.
Key Takeaways
- This kayak is equipped with multiple footrest options that accommodate all-size paddlers
- The perception Kayaks are made from high-density polyethylene materials by the use of one-piece rotational molding technology for excellent durability
- This kayak comes with a five-year warranty from the date of its initial purchase which is very convenient
- The maximum weight capacity of this kayak is 136kg so you can easily carry all the gear while out kayak fishing
Customer Rating
4.7 Out of 5 stars
By Feature
Maneuverability 4.8
Comfort 4.7
1. It is highly stable.
2. Easy to get into and out of.
3. Enough room even for a big person.
4. Good storage areas.
5. It is versatile.
6. Easy to use for beginners.
7. Easy to carry on top of your car.
8. Wind does not move it about.
9. Durable.
1. Have no paddle holders.
2. The cup holder may be a little deep.
3. Maneuvering rocky places is hard.
1. Multiple footrest options that accommodate all-size paddlers.
2. Has a convenient drink holder to keep your beverage from spilling.
3. Bungee cord lashes secure gear of any size or shape.
4. Adjustable seat back ensures comfort. It can also fold down for storage.
5. Framed seat back for comfort and performance.
6. Solo mount ready for attaching phone, camera mounts, rod holders, and other accessories.
7. Center hatch that has a built-in bag and a lid keeping essentials handy.
8. Has large front and rear open storage for cooler or other gear.
9. Has a self-bailing scupper hole that provides drainage.
10. Has a molded-in footwell.
Perception Tribe 9.5 Kayak specs
Package weight | 22kg |
Item dimensions (L×W×H) | 113×31.5×16.25 inches |
Brand name | Perception Kayaks |
Warranty description | Five years limited warranty |
Model name | Tribe |
Material | High-density polyethylene |
Manufacturer | Confluence outdoors |
Size | 9’6” |
Load capacity | 136kg |
Cockpit type | Sit-on-top |
Propulsion | Paddle |
Technology | Roto-molded |
Skill level | Beginner |
The perception Kayaks are made from high-density polyethylene materials by the use of one-piece rotational molding technology. The beads of polyethylene are poured into the mold; it’s then heated and rotated slowly to enable the material to fill up all nooks and crannies. After heating, the mold is allowed to cool for some time; then, you will get one leak-proof, very sturdy piece, and very long-lasting. Polyethylene makes your Kayak a good one since you can leave it outside without worrying. It is UV resistant. This material is also sturdy and will not get damaged by rocks and underwater hazards.

When you buy perception kayaks, please don’t be worried about their warranty, as they have it on terms and conditions. Any buyer is given a five-year warranty from the date of its initial purchase. The kayaks are warranted against material or any defects that may occur due to their manufacturing. To add to that, the parts, accessories, and outfitting are also warranted for one year. that does not mean that you should be careless with your Kayak because there may be consequences.
Keep in mind that you may be limited or excluded from getting a warranty if it is found that you violated some terms and conditions regarding the warranty, such as;
1. When the Kayak gets damaged while you are in the process of trying to alter and modify it.
2. You will not be given a warranty when your Kayak is damaged by the act of negligence, improper usage, or mishandled.
3. When the kayak tears and wears because of its aging, you will not be given a warranty.
4. When weather conditions or environmental conditions destroy it, you will not be given a warranty.
5. The Kayak that is damaged when they are in transit, dealers, or in possession of any party other than the perception, then it may not be warranted.
Size And Weight
The perception tribe has 113 inches in length, a width of 31.5 inches, and a deck height of 16.25 inches. It carries a maximum weight of 136kg, and the boat itself weighs 22kg.
Everyone needs to be comfortable when on the water. With this in mind, the perception tribe has an adjustable framed seatback that gives extraordinary paddler support and infinite reclines that can be moved forward and backward.
It also includes padded seats that are good for ventilation and drainage. The Tribe 9.5 has multiple footrests that allow you to select the size to make you feel comfortable.
This Tribe 9.5 has very good stability, which helps on-deck stability and maneuverability. It has a broad hull that ensures it performs excellently on fast-moving waters and rapids. The boat provides an adventurous experience on the water due to its relatively short length, making it have a quick and effective turn.
It has a straight tracking keel at the bottom that allows it to split water, making it have a decent speed. The Tribe has a deck height of 12.8″ which helps it be stable and not easily swayed away by the water waves or moderate ocean surf.
The Tribe has a long-lasting life span as it is made from high-density polyethylene and a one-piece roto-molded construction, which provides maximum durability. It has a sacrificial keel that ensures high protection while portaging. It has huge storage areas that are in front and rear with bungee lashing that secures your gear. It also has a skid plate that can be replaced, which provides added protection when you’re dragging your gear to the water.
The Tribe has a built-in buoyancy that helps in keeping you stable all the way. You can now focus more on the fun and worry less about what may happen. It also has self-bailing scupper holes that provide drainage for any water that might have spilled in.
The Perception Tribe 9.5 weighs just 22kg, meaning that you can easily carry it alone unless you have someone to help. It also has rigid side carry handles and contour carry handles. This makes it easy for you to carry to and from the beach. The small size of this Kayak enables it to fit on top of most cars, so you will not have to worry about how you will transport it to the beach.
The Perception Tribe series of versatile sit-on-top kayaks are ultra-stable, very quick, and playful on the water. It is suitable for any skill level, from beginners to skilled kayakers. Their stability gives beginners enough confidence to take on the challenge.
This Kayak can also work on any flat water you can find (from lakes, rivers, and coastal bays) with light waves. This ensures that you will kayak and have fun on any water around you.
It has a storage hole in the hall that will keep your phone and keys safe and at hand reach. It is made of rubber and fits snugly over the whole, keeping whatever you have kept in there safe and dry. It also has a front and rear tank that will help you store other things like extra clothes.
Optional Accessories
These accessories make the Kayak more comfortable and efficient and are sold separately: you can buy them according to your needs. They are:
1. Harmony Scupper Stoppers- 4 Pack
If you want a drier ride, then you will need the scupper stoppers. They will also enable more comfortable cold-weather kayaking so that you can kayak all year long. These plugs fit sit-on-top kayaks that have a scupper hole of 1″-1-3/8″. They are sold in a pack that contains four stoppers.
2. Perception Universal Paddle
The Perception Universal Paddle is made to perform favorably with the Tribe Kayak. It is lightweight and durable due to the fiberglass-reinforced blades. The dihedral shape of the blade ensures smooth, stable, and flatter-free strokes. The blade is strong, making it suitable for placid to windy and rough conditions. Its ferrule is corrosion-resistant and offers three-position feathering, that is, L60/0/R60. It has a 2-piece take-apart construction and weighs 33oz making it easily portable for all your kayaking adventures.
3. Perception Paddle Leash
This leash securely tethers your paddle and other accessories and clips to your PFD or Kayak, keeping items you will need to use regularly close at hand. The Velcro attachment loop accommodates items of various sizes.
Wrapping Up
Now that you know all about the Perception Tribe 9.5, from features, pros, cons, and even the rating of other kayakers, you are in a position to make a good decision based on what you have read. You also know what you need from a kayak and what you do not need. Just ensure you buy what is worth your money.